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Following the freeze-thaw in December 2022, Ofwat requested details from water companies outlining how they were prepared for such an event.

Today Ofwat has published all company responses, alongside some commentary on how companies handled the December freeze-thaw

In response, CCW’s CEO Emma Clancy has said:

The freeze-thaw of December 2022 highlighted the need for some water companies to be better prepared for incidents.

Although such incidents can be challenging for water companies, consumers expect interruptions to be dealt with quickly – with minimal disruption to services.

The water industry needs to do everything it can to build trust among consumers. We know from our research that peoples’ view of their water company, as well as the industry as a whole, is influenced by a range of factors including quality of service and effective communications.

We want to see companies give people clear information on how incidents are being resolved and advice on where they can get alternative water supplies whilst this happens. Once supplies are restored, we expect companies to compensate customers promptly, fairly and automatically for their loss of supply.